Kapsula horia
Aquariumeko landare motak

Kapsula horia

Yellow water lily or Yellow water lily, scientific name Nuphar lutea. A typical plant for many water bodies of the temperate zone of Europe and North America (brought artificially). Forms extensive thickets in swamps, lakes and slow-flowing rivers, also often found in ponds.

Due to its size, it is rarely used in aquariums. The water lily forms a long petiole, stretching from massive strong roots to the very surface. Surface creeping leaves on the water have rounded even plates with a diameter of up to 40 cm berde iluna colors and are a kind of floating islands for the local fauna. The underwater leaves are noticeably different – they are much smaller and wavy. In the warm season, quite large ones grow on the surface (about 6 cm in diameter) horia distiratsua loreak.

When growing the Yellow Water Lily in a large aquarium or pond, it requires little to no maintenance. It is enough to regularly replace part of the water with fresh water. Perfectly adapts to various conditions and is able to tolerate significant temperature changes. In backyard ponds, it can easily overwinter if the water does not freeze to the bottom.

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